

For one man during COVID, his local park offered a virus-safe place to share time and camaraderie with others where few places existed. Armed with a frisbee and a few new friends, he found a calling to serve his diverse community in need of good clean (and green) fun. It’s called Target and our story starts here.

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Now What?!

Maria Yuan learned the meaning of democratic civic engagement by witnessing the journey of her immigrant family and how they embraced their duties as new American citizens. Her impact was to start Issuevoter.org – a non-profit civic engagement tool meant to all Americans.  For another, Emma Welsh-Huggins, it was a college experience: a broad range…

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This is a true, ongoing story of David versus Goliath.  Of a tiny, 100-year-old Baptist church that – like David, stands alone in stark contrast to its neighbors – a towering apartment building to one side and a parking lot and open construction site to the other where church elders decry that well-funded developers are…

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The Last One Out

Think Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Harry Potter.  Dungeons and Dragons is a  game of where friends as fictional characters embark on imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting.  Each game is a quest. Each quest has a challenge. Ultimately, players must rely on one another to survive. But what happens when one…

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