For one man during COVID, his local park offered a virus-safe place to share time and camaraderie with others where few places existed. Armed with a frisbee and a few new friends, he found a calling to serve his diverse community in need of good clean (and green) fun. It’s called Target and our story starts here.
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According to, urban parks provide access to recreational opportunities, increase property values, spur local economies, combat crime, and protect cities from environmental impact.
But the reality is that in many cases, tax dollars are paying for public lands that are rarely used. We can all do your our part in keeping our public parks safe, clean, and accessible by donating to causes that increase neighborhood engagement and reduce crime, joining advocacy groups that help build awareness and equity, or even participating in park clean up days. As the saying goes, it takes a village to create a community.
Why not try out disc golf? It’s never been easier to play – to learn how just go to All it takes is you, a disc, and a course. And if you need to pick up a couple of discs to start, you can find a large selection for beginners to experts at At check out, use the code “Humm20” for 20% off your order.
We’d like to extend our sincerest thanks to our guests:
We’d like to extend our sincerest thanks to our guests:
Tommy Inglis – Founder and Executive Director, Hyde Park Disc Golf
Louise McCurry – Jackson Park Advisory Council Board President
Dana Vicich – Sales manager, Disc Mania & former pro disc golfer
Dustin Leatherman – Executive Director, The Paul McBeth Foundation
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