

For one man during COVID, his local park offered a virus-safe place to share time and camaraderie with others where few places existed. Armed with a frisbee and a few new friends, he found a calling to serve his diverse community in need of good clean (and green) fun. It’s called Target and our story starts here.

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Change Agent

We want our kids (and ourselves for that matter) to emulate positive role models – people who inspire us to be better humans. Their influence affects the way we view the world around us and ultimately impacts decisions we make on how we conduct ourselves and live our lives. For one man growing up in the rural ghetto, he was drawn into a world of crime, quick cash, addiction, and incarceration. It’s a story about hard knocks, about finding unlikely role models in unlikely places, and about second chances. It’s called Change Agent and our story starts here.

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What animals bring to society – to our families, into our homes or our work – is priceless.   But sometimes, their lives don’t start out or end up so great.  From Houston to Wisconsin, for two women, their passions in life have come as a calling and they care for souls, both two and four-footed, with a…

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Take Me Home

West Virginia is home to spectacular river valleys, stunning mountainous terrain, important natural resources and a strong sense of belonging.  Its a state of unimaginable beauty with more than 24,000 square miles of it being Appalachian forest.  It’s a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts. A group of locally sourced leaders from West Virginia feels SO strongly about the…

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From his work with local nuns looking for answers about their barren apple trees to his consulting with golf courses in natural habitat management to classrooms, and his own design workshop – he is a true beeliever in the good story – the gospel of abundance as taught by bees and he’s helping protect Wisconsin’s…

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Here we are a year into Covid and it’s still part of the landscape. But as restrictions ease, there is light at the end of the tunnel for those struggling to make ends meet. But, there’s one issue that cannot be fixed by open doors, micro-grants or stimulus checks, and that is the inequity of representation of women in the music industry.

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For two Jewish women whose parents miraculously survived the Holocaust, storytelling as a means of remembering the tales of horror and heroism are part of their family legacies.  While their stories of loss and survival are different, they are bonded in their work as active voices of the Second Generation.  It’s called “Testimony,” and our story starts here.  Hanna Bloch…

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Now What?!

Maria Yuan learned the meaning of democratic civic engagement by witnessing the journey of her immigrant family and how they embraced their duties as new American citizens. Her impact was to start – a non-profit civic engagement tool meant to all Americans.  For another, Emma Welsh-Huggins, it was a college experience: a broad range…

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Sound of Silence

Imagine, or maybe you don’t have to, caring for a dependent with a sensory processing disorder.  In the United States alone 1 in 20 people – children, teens and adults, experience some degree of difficulty filtering information from one or more of their heightened seven senses.  An overload of stimuli to their sight, hearing, sense…

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This is a true, ongoing story of David versus Goliath.  Of a tiny, 100-year-old Baptist church that – like David, stands alone in stark contrast to its neighbors – a towering apartment building to one side and a parking lot and open construction site to the other where church elders decry that well-funded developers are…

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